Manage, track, fix and collaborate

Shift left successfully with DevOcean ASPM. Includes advanced features such as root cause analysis, deep context about the cloud production environment, full visibility into applications, fix prioritization, owner identification, ticketing and tracking, and cross-team collaboration.

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Dev Ocean ASPM

Fix issues at the root

Prevent issues from reaching production with root cause analysis, alert enrichment, and prioritization that considers both the issue and the fix

Dev Ocean ASPM

Focus on critical applications

Take an app-centric remediation approach. Instantly understand and inform dev about critical apps with critical vulnerabilities

Dev Ocean ASPM

Collaborate without friction

DevOcean's RBAC capabilities make onboarding and granting visibility easy, enabling trust and collaboration between security, dev and DevOps teams.

Dev Ocean Use Case

Right-side production context

Reduce the potential impact of any issue by finding the root cause and streamlining the fix.

  • Discover the root cause across code, cloud, IaC, k8s, applications and more
  • Leverage your existing security stack and workflow tools to streamline remediation
  • Enable cross-team visibility of all context in one place
Dev Ocean Use Case

Bi-directional management

DevOcean integrates with your existing workflow tools so it's easy to ticket, track, and get accountability.

  • Create tickets with app context, issue criticality, and tailored fix suggestions
  • Minimize friction between security and dev with automated owner identification
  • Manage the entire lifecycle of the fix: prioritize, investigate, ticket, validate
Dev Ocean Use Case

Multi-layer alert management

Provides a comprehensive view of all your alerts with seamless integration to all your tools, including SCAs, SASTs, DASTs, and more.

  • Spot security coverage gaps
  • Focus on code that's used in production
  • Get reporting for each team and persona

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DevOcean Application Security Posture Management (ASPM)?

DevOcean ASPM (Application Security Posture Management) is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance the security posture of your applications by consolidating, prioritizing, and streamlining remediation efforts. Unlike other ASPM products, DevOcean's platform offers seamless integration, intelligent automation, and a user-friendly interface, enabling security and development teams to collaborate more effectively. Key features include automated vulnerability identification, prioritization based on risk, and frictionless cross-team workflows, ensuring faster and more efficient remediation. DevOcean ASPM helps organizations reduce costs, minimize threat exposure, and eliminate critical risks with unparalleled precision and ease.

How does DevOcean ASPM streamline the remediation process?

DevOcean ASPM streamlines the remediation process by automatically consolidating vulnerabilities from various sources, prioritizing them based on risk, and providing actionable insights for faster resolution. Its intelligent automation and integration capabilities enable security and development teams to collaborate seamlessly, reducing the time and effort required to fix security issues and enhancing overall efficiency.

What are the key benefits of using an Application Security Posture Management platform?

The key benefits of using an Application Security Posture Management, like DevOcean's NextGen ASPM, include enhanced visibility into application security, automated vulnerability management, and improved collaboration between security and development teams. By prioritizing vulnerabilities based on risk, DevOcean ASPM helps organizations focus on the most critical threats, reduce remediation time, and lower overall security costs.

How does DevOcean NextGen ASPM improve collaboration between security and development teams?

DevOcean NextGen ASPM improves collaboration between security and development teams by providing a unified platform that integrates with existing tools and workflows. Its user-friendly interface and automated processes enable teams to work together more efficiently, share critical information, and address security issues promptly. This collaborative approach helps reduce friction, streamline remediation efforts, and enhance the overall security posture of applications.

How does ASPM differ from traditional application security practices?

ASPM differs from traditional application security practices by emphasizing continuous monitoring and improvement rather than periodic assessments. Traditional practices often involve reactive measures, while ASPM adopts a proactive approach, identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in real-time. ASPM also focuses on integrating security into the entire application lifecycle, fostering collaboration between security and development teams, and leveraging automation to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.

What are the key components of an effective ASPM strategy?

An effective ASPM strategy includes several key components: continuous monitoring of applications, vulnerability assessment and prioritization, automated remediation processes, and collaboration between security and development teams. Additionally, integrating ASPM with existing development and security tools, maintaining up-to-date threat intelligence, and regularly reviewing and updating security policies are crucial for maintaining a strong security posture.

Fast forward remediation.

Cut remediation cycles from weeks to days.