Cloud to Code Alert Prioritization

DevOcean silences 90% of alert noise while zeroing in on your most business-critical vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

Speed up remediation with end-to-end visibility and noise reduction.
Reduce Noise

Consolidate, dedup and filter out false-positives so you’re left with only the risks that need your attention.

Flexible Priorization

Define rules based on severity, asset profiling and environment with a configurable risk model.

Cut Costs

Decrease manual investigation time with multi-layer triage of issues in configuration, code, runtime and more.

Tool Agnostic

Easy integration with your existing security tools and scanners.

Automated Root Cause Analysis

Don’t waste time figuring out where in the pipeline a problem is, what’s causing it, which assets to fix or whether it’s in production. DevOcean instantly identifies the root cause of any issue and provides suggested remediation paths across cloud and code.

It’s like having a dedicated security analyst on every engineering team.
Scale Remediation

Fix the sources that trigger multiple issues to solve and prevent many at the same time

Eliminate Ticket Chaos

Narrow down the number of issues requiring attention and the time it takes to remediate them.

Prevent Issues from Returning

Make sure issues are fixed fully and properly the first time around

Eliminate Manual Investigations

Cut costs and save time with automatic root cause discovery.

Dynamic Owner Association

Don’t spend your precious time trying to figure out which engineer should make each fix. DevOcean identifies owners instantly based on our deep understanding of every drift in your environment from cloud to code.

Automatically find the fixer for each finding - and the workflows they use.
Clear Asset Ownership

Map owners to fixes based on organizational knowledge, business context, logs for code, cloud and CI/CD.

Bidirectional Collaboration

Developer-driven workflows support integrations with Jira, Github and other ticket management systems.

Delegate Faster

Enable teams to react quickly to new threats with no delay.

Reduce Friction

Spend less time tracking down owners and ping-ponging issues between teams.

Compliance-Driven Remediation

Manage, monitor and meet regulatory compliance business goals and SLAs across multiple cloud platforms from single, unified cloud remediation management platform.

Drive remediation that meets your business needs.
Customizable Prioritization

Automatically identify and prioritize compliance violations by setting flexible, out-of-the-box policies

Address Compliance Gaps

Understand what to do to meet SLAs and reduce the likelihood of regulatory penalties and legal issues

See Commitment Breakdowns

Track SLAs and report on remediation status across various task tracking systems like Jira from a single, unified dashboard.

Drive Transparency

Keep management and auditors up-to-date on the state of your compliance with exportable reports

Tailored Fix Suggestions

DevOcean generates specific remediation advice that takes context into the account of the problem. Send recommendations for code changes and more via the engineer’s ticketing and source control management tools.

Resolve issues quicker by sending fixes, not problems.
Save Resources

DevOcean automatically generates the lowest-cost fix for each vulnerability.

Optimize Efforts

Group findings into same-fix clusters to address multiple issues at once and save dev time.

Tie Assets to Owners

We not only tell you how to fix an issue, we’ll show you who should fix it and where.

Multiple Options

We leverage AI to give you multiple remediation scripts for every persona in your security team

Lifecycle Management

Enable efficient, streamlined remediation processes from start to finish, with insights on progress and success using one platform across the entire organization.

Drive real cloud remediation at scale.
Track Progress

Maintain ongoing visibility into remediation statuses, SLA timelines, exceptions, and remediation re-assignments.

Measure Effectiveness

Track trends by team performance, risk critically, time-to-remediation and more.

Validate Fixes

Get automatic confirmation that issues were fixed at the root, so you can be confident they won’t keep coming back.

Report Your Success

Know how much backlog you’ve reduced, the hours saved on fixes and changes to your attack surface in real time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top 5 security vulnerabilties so far in 2024?

In 2024, it's crucial to be mindful of the top five security vulnerabilities: misconfiguration, critical vulnerabilities, unmanaged attack surfaces, unpatched exposed web services, and CI/CD and Supply Chain Attacks. For companies operating in hybrid environments, consolidating and unifying the remediation of security vulnerabilities emerges as a highly effective strategy. This approach facilitates the elimination of duplicate alerts and false-positives, while also grouping related findings into cohesive tasks aimed at addressing the root causes of interconnected issues.

How has vulnerability management evolved with the adoption of cloud and IoT technologies?

With the adoption of cloud and IoT technologies, vulnerability management has had to evolve beyond traditional network and application security. Today, it includes comprehensive scanning of diverse and distributed digital assets, from cloud-based services to interconnected IoT devices. This expansion requires advanced tools and strategies that can assess and mitigate vulnerabilities across varied environments, ensuring holistic security coverage and adapting to the broader attack surfaces introduced by these technologies.

Fast forward remediation.

Cut remediation cycles from weeks to days.